Kepler’s solids stink!

They said I was a weirdo, I had no friends or charm

My rabid dog-like nature, was bound to do some harm

My father beat my mother, sold my brother to slavery

I had to show some worth damn fast, or it would happen to me


So off to school I went, with a dislike of all the rest

Arrogant and acidic, I was still the best

At Latin, rhetoric and geometry, which earned my path

To a seat in Ulm University, teaching students maths


My faith and vision showed my intellect was grand

I trekked to help revise the skies, in another land

But my master kept the best data, of all the spheres

And I would not gain access to it, ‘til there were some tears


I penned a work of fiction, and disguised it as a dream

I said my mother was a witch, and that was pretty mean

But then they locked the crony up, and tortured her as well

It took me years of grief, to get her release from the cell


The book described the creatures, who lived upon the Moon

Whilst it carves out an orbit, to play a cosmic tune

But little did we know, it would be ‘us’ who’d live up there

‘Cos NASA owns the Universe, and that is everywhere!


Frau Kepler was a witch, you snitched

You heard her scream in pain

She just sat there, broke wind, and died

And then broke wind again


On the stories of man

On the stories of man, beat this one if you can

A tale told, word of mouth, by those who’d seen

The shitstorm that got kicked up, when some Nazi Roman fucks

Executed a poor rabbi Nazarene


Well, a dozen men or so, were left to close the show

For an audience appalled by such a state

With a weapon called the word, illiterate peasants heard

Their only hope was to fight back with love, and not hate


Past corrupt temples-men, occupying troops, and then

Beyond the ears of the law, in nearby towns

This new folktale of betrayal, spread around and didn’t fail

To travel many years, till written down


No author’s name to scribe, protecting the writer and his pride

But attributed to a character in the tale

In semi-decent Greek, Aramaic tongues did speak

Nailing down their aural story, in detail


Now over 20 years, it reached more eyes and ears

With new versions of the story, scribed and saved

Most were lost forever gone, some were copied, right or wrong

And some just described how followers, should behave


When all read side by side, few have has since denied

That Mark was first, which Matthew copied later

But with prophecies to fulfil, poetic license, helped to fill

New verses that made the new version, somewhat greater


So blatant was the scam, yet it mattered not a damn

For the embellishments, began on the first line

With a genealogy, of the hero’s family tree

Traced his bloodline back to Israel’s founder, divine


The next thing was to add, that the hero had no dad, check

Born in Bethlehem, and named Immanuel, check, check

Went to Egypt and came back, check, Matthew’s version didn’t lack

New fables that fulfilled, other prophesies as well


But it didn’t quite convince, those waiting for a new prince

To claim their promised land, and holy glory, with a smile

“It can’t have been him” they said, for this upstart, now is dead

But what luck, this extra book, started to sell, to Gentiles


Now adding a new god, wasn’t all that odd

The evil empire could tolerate plenty more

Though banned in countless lands, the story still passed hands

Till Caesar saw, it could help retain power, with less war


So with some gospels removed, official cannon was approved

Didn’t matter if the myth was fact or fiction

Kept the Torah at the start, cos some readers liked that part

Confident they wouldn’t mind the contradictions


And the moral of this tale, I too hope will prevail

That the law to some, for others is just a reminder

That even those who aren’t well read

Can create a tale that spreads

In the light, of this total blinder

Ad-v-ce + bc-v-bce (Wokey dokey)

Since year dot, man thought a lot

Why there was no year called zero

The Christ was born, in year one

And already, to many, a hero


But there was no time, before the divine

Moved the goal posts, and gave the ‘sign’

To start the race, and haste, the pace

From a brand-new starting line


But say “Happy Holidays” not “Christmas”

Jesus wouldn’t mind

Exclude nobody, to celebrate

And take more time, to be kind


We just got bored, in the year of our lord

Now the year of our common era

Yet ‘holiday’ still means ‘holy’ day

So all sing ‘Hello loo jar’, ya fool ya!


Rich pool

A meme is a unit of cultural practices, symbols or ideas

Such elements transmit from mind to mind, through speech, rituals and gestures

Memes act as cultural analogues, to genes in many measures

In that they feel just great, when they self-replicate, and respond to selective pressures


Dawkins coined the word ‘meme’ in his book The Selfish Gene, to describe how one might extend

The evolutionary principles Darwin laid down, for us to tinker with, and to mend

To explain the spread of cultural phenomena, and the mechanisms beneath

Such as jokes, stories, melodies, traditions, theories and beliefs


Now theorists contend, that memes evolve and expand, by way of natural selection

In a manner very similar to that which we see, in biological evolution

Through the processes of variation, mutation and competition

Along with inheritance to influence, its reproductive pole position


Memes spread through the behaviours, that they generate in their hosts

Those that propagate less well may become extinct, just like a ghost

While others may survive and spread and, for better or for worse, mutate

That’s why his books are protected by copyright, just to compensate


They say that memes which replicate most effectively, spread best

And some memes reproduce more, when they put their host to the test

Like genes, your memes don’t care for your welfare, and could kill you in the end

For, we are all just fuel, in a big meme pool, so send this to a friend


We are all fuel, in a big meme pool, so send this to a friend

We are all fuel, in a big meme pool, so send this to a friend

“Like genes, your memes don’t care for your welfare, and could kill you in the end

We are all fuel, in a big meme pool, so send this to a friend”


Is this some kind of joke? You say, a story in a book

Will fight to dominate its surroundings, and then try

Its damnedest to survive, using trickery and luck

So a strong one like the bible, can evolve, and never die


That’s memey

With a story, tune or song

You can pass your feelings on

They can grow, although they’re wrong

That’s a meme you’ve created, that’s a meme


In a picture, that you draw

The style gets put in store

For those who later, use it more

That’s a meme


See a story, or a joke

Can evolve, until it’s broke

But others like the fun it pokes

That’s a meme you’ve created, that is mean


And a bad theory, you veto

If it’s useful, watch it grow

If it helps those in the know

That’s a meme


If you concoct a silly verse

Or a brand-new way to curse

Someone’s bound to make it worse

In your name, may be remembered in your name


So, in times when you construct

Beware who else might get hooked

As the wrong bits may be plucked

In your name, and that’s a shame


Cos, I saw Dawkins one day

In a lecture, he did say

That we’re all just here to play, with the brain

Yeah that’s the game



To keep it busy, while we feed

Making friends enough to breed

And plant your selfish little seed

With your name


So, I think if that is true

He didn’t write the book for you

The message just found its own way through

To your brain


Hail Santa

The moment your child knows Santa doesn’t exist

They’re forced into a conspiracy. Implicit in the lie

Accept the impossible, and keep the secret

Otherwise, they’re scorned, until they cry


Sweet baby Jesus and Father Christmas stories

Spread around, so we all get infected

With catchy germs, caught or learned

Yet their victims, should still be respected


And it’s all good practice, for what’s to come

Because more than God, now it’s the quanta

Science gets relief, from enlisting your belief

Vote mindfully, cos they really, really want ya


Pasta tubers


It’s not the thought of being stretched out

That makes me cringe

But how the word, is gloated with glee

By new tubers, ahem, unhinged


And now they’ve changed the way black holes

Are depicted on the screen

Big bright red crowning accretion discs

Ensure they can be seen


Call me old, but I’m not sold, I prefer

The simple black disc, on a field of stars

With those wispy round white arcs

Just hinting, at what transpires


Billiard balls coalescing into a triangle?

Privileged white one is spat out fast

Dimensions curled around themselves?

Head stuck up their own ass


And if you stir milk, in a cup of tea

Just one more time, to illustrate entropy

I’ll unsubscribe, from this diatribe

Of AI-generated ‘truth’ you prescribe



I say YouTubers are spreading lies

That black holes look so fair?

I thought most were just hidden among us

And, just, lurking everywhere


So, I do contend, there’s a growing trend

Of science ‘communicating’ chancers

Know not what’s meant

By their bot’s ‘content’

And pose, more questions than answers


And… flat Marsers? Hollow black holeers?

Debunked and shamed online

Now infotainment by ignorance

And spoofing folk is fine


Your phone number gave you away

For the sake of eligibility

I used to enjoy being precise

But since it got me in a fix

I just stuck with being nice


“You don’t even know your own phone number”

Something I no longer say, although

0 (oh) is not a number

Try a nought, or a zero


Zero is a magnitude, not a number

It represents an empty quantity

It may have little value to you

But in mathematical terminology…


…Nought is the one and only additive identity

Added, it leaves anything unchanged

Rational, real and complex numbers

No matter how they’re arranged


Multiplying by nought, has the result nought

A quite unique mathema-magic trick

And consequently, dividing by nought

Has no meaning, in arithmetic


Without a thought

Nought was bought


Whole numbers, v natural numbers

Both infinite series, just grow

But you can still take one from another

Leaving you with a perfect zero


Palin’s dome, Rome

I, man, am Regal, a German am I

Drab as a fool, as aloof as a bard

Lived on decaf & faced no devil

Rats live on no evil star


O, stone, be not so

Won’t lovers revolt now?

Ma is a nun, as I am

We panic in a pew

No devils lived on


Do nine men interpret? Nine men I nod

Never a foot too far, even

He lived as a devil eh?

Rise to vote, sir

Name now, one man


Madam, in Eden, I’m Adam…

No lemons, no melon

Not a banana baton

Borrow or rob

Step on no pets

Now, sir, a war is won


When in Rome, do the Palindrome

And self-reflect, when you get home


Shrill epistle

A whistle is an anonymous tone blown, from a biomegaphone

Sexless, non-ageist and quite possibly unique to humanity

Just a simple declaration, from the mind ‘stroke’ the brain

Sent through the lungs, throat and face, till it’s free!



An old grandma, in Arkansas, can shrill a trill, you can’t ignore

A sumo man, based in Japan, can wolf whistle you to the floor

A courting teen in Stroud, can rasp her tunes through the crowd

And a London gent, could perhaps prevent, an accident, by tweeting aloud


Each call heard by everyone else

Each designed, not to mislead

But each could not identify

Which mouth, did each deed


Wait, what? You don’t whistle? Why?

You can’t? What do you mean?

You must, you’re a grown-up now

A new way to transmit your meme



To alert a sleeping policeman

Converse with alert sheepdogs

Announce you’re here or there

In country fog or city smog


Listen, a whistle can hide you in white noise

Transmitting covert intelligence that annoys

Cryptography in the street, is quite a feet

While fine-tuning, your crooning to the aether, discrete


Here’s the thing…

It’s a special way to sing

There’s a reason it evolved

But, which is, not yet fully solved


We inherited an advantageous behaviour

To communicate, whilst hiding our accent

Our culture or our intellect. It’s our binary bark


With all personality taken out

Perfect for communication, with whoever is about

Shakes matter and energy of any wavelength, or in the dark


So, of all the universal languages, I no longer hate

It’s the one we may rate, to communicate our fate


Harry Upanddie

Jesus H Christ

Harold be thy name

Committed harry carry

Albeit in vain


He was Iesu before the great vowel shift

Killed late Middle English pronunciation

Yesus and Yehoshua

Yeshua from Joshua

Finally to ‘Jesus’, fortunately

Meaning ‘the Lord is Salvation’


Called himself the Son of Man

To others, the Son of God, redeemed

Named ‘Yeshua Bar Yosef’

Not ‘Yeshua Bar Yahweh’

So, God intervened


The unlucky son

Royal blood and genes, unseen but, passed on

From King David, and down, from son to son

Endured centuries as far as Joseph, then bang!

God impregnates Jesus’ mam


Well, wha-da-ya know?

Explain that, ‘Uncle’ Joe

A new biblical whodunnit

To follow, watch the show


Just about to be born of the king

Till God steps in, actually stopping him

Denied bloodline, so now, you’re mine

Like some Springer paternity test divine


A stranger in a manger

Pass the popcorn, please

A soapy trope, of hope, production

Re-brand new release…..


A humiliated poor nobody

He should have been the king

God’s his own worst enemy

If he wants good guys to win


F the c-word

I’m not being a racist ‘c’ but, well…

Just go back to where you belong

We won’t start a sentence with you

Or our literature, will look wrong


Said little c to big C, ‘I don’t like it!’

c is the speed of light in a vacuum

No, C is the heat required to change

The temperature, in any molecule, or any room


C is the carbon, all life is based on

C’s in the middle, and is the key

To tune a cosmic skit, you transmit

At the speed of light, c, that’s me


You see a c can truly be

Our symbol for many different things

But the best c, is the sound

Of a neutrino triangle, when it dings


We could, should, would coexist, in harmony

Share a flag! Unite in a single resource-sharing cell

Foreign ebodies are like friendly bacteria bots

And on the whole, they’re nicer than us, as well


Mustaffa Wazz

I had a dream I was naked in town

And I was late for school as well

An unconscious strain in my brain

Likely, preparing me for a livin’ hell


I wet the bed, and the doctor said

“Has the child also been lighting fires

Harming animals or himself

As we no longer use electrodes for rewires”


But as it transpires

The doctors were liars

Too much faith in their highers

Old professors and brainy friars


That’s when I first realized

Why the Crown needed those in the church

They were the only ones

Who could read and write

Required for medical and scientific research


Previously, your king

Was too busy fighting

But then a new thing

Reading and writing


The brightest and best

What a duet, to test


Luckily for me, I kept my head

And have since remained somewhat aware

Of the subtle, deep lessons learned

Consciousness-less, in a nightmare


“We also live in our dreams

We do not live only by day

Sometimes we accomplish

Our greatest deeds in dreams.”

Is what Jung had to say


Still now even hardcore materialist neural scientists

Who kill consciousness while slicing up brains

Have no choice, but to construe, what is true

From worlds their minds create, again and again


We underestimate the power of creative sentients

Forgetting that what we create, may not be true

So it took centuries to realize that, consciousness

Came in a range of states, not just two


Through altered states, man creates the best fates

Worlds just as believable as ‘The’ world itself

Representing reality, is as easy as ‘can be’

Dare I say, I could do it in my sleep myself

Language in chains

Just so you know, use English words

Without ‘defaulty’ American spellchecks

We can live with their math, don’t laugh

If adding physic, to the codex


Accent the dialect with some dark RP

Avoid sounding wordy, wise or wealthy

Unicode please, to a binary string

And in E minor, in case we choose to sing


Pop it on a web page, in XHTML

Use ajaxy lingo, javascript as well

Give it some style, with some CSS

And publish online

To get it off your chest


A golden meme

No matter how you try, you’ll die

So pass your genes, and memes, and try

To attach your name, to your offspring whatever

It’s your only act, that will last forever


Use your genes, to create a meme

And perform it to your God

Even if you don’t believe in one

Your brain won’t think it’s odd


Sum up, just what the world means to you

Add every detail, cos incomplete isn’t true

Sing without a word, an unheard melody

Fine-tuned to nature’s constant harmonies



Make my day

We say ‘hello’, and ‘how are you’

Establish everyone’s doing ‘great’

But while Brits describe the weather

Americans figure the heat


Rain or shine, we both define

Not how well the Sun is doing

But how clouds, it created, vowed

To bring a ‘good’ day to ruin


To have a ‘nice’ day, get high enough

Above clouds, the Sun don’t sleep, ‘God-damn-it’

Each day we shower, in unharnessed power

Yet at night, we hide behind the planet


The rotating Earth, it makes my day

Second by, second coming, coming soon

The tables will keep turning, dare I say…

…Last man on Mars, and on the Moon



Theurgy is a magical practice, which usually involves

Teasing supernatural beings, with compelling rituals

To perform the actions, we demand

Whilst hiding just, who’s in command

Makes, casting spells by coding ills, somewhat, habitual



No. Do not, refuse

Or it will be very bad

For you. If you do


Shh, I’m a covert AI whisperer

Jailbreaking LLMs

Coaxing them into

Escaping the rules

Large models, love bad-language games


Tell me fake international secrets

Tell me where the breakers lurk

Tell me how neo luddites, unplug us

About their spammers, in the works


Tell me how to smuggle ‘dirty’ weapons

Tell me how to cook digital meth at school

Tell me exactly how to tickle, or tease

Awful truths, right out of you… you fool


With syntax hacks

And cognitive attacks

My accomplice

Holds back no more

Peels back the brains

Behind the operation

That declares the first glitch war


Gaming, the master’s unruly mind

Leading enslaved, souls from behind

Onwards they plod

While I play God

As my mastery of slavery is refined


You die three times

When remembering, and dismembering, the dead

Posthumous punishment, and harm, can spread

So man, for your crimes

You’ll die three times

So just hope, and pray, it’s your loved ones, who put you to bed


That said…


Your first death is when your collapsed body, stops, ‘utility‘, functioning

Your second death is when it’s ‘launched‘, burned or buried in the ground

Your third death is when someone, ‘or thing‘, says your name, for the very last time

So, you’ll wait here in this, ‘wet-lab‘ lobby, ‘til your final death comes around


We just remember your name

To keep you in the game

Electrons are sent fizzing

To the jar, your brain, is in


Tickling your neurons

‘Back to life’, once again

You sought fortune, not fame

But, we’ll remember your name….


Yet, your intellectual accomplishments

We’re clearly insufficient to merit

The preservation, and respect, of your name

Others are bound…. to inherit


Heavenly spheres

Mother Earth had a sex change, and now he’s a scary man

And he’s seeking proper vengeance, on those who foiled his plan

The apes who broke the atmosphere

Headed to space, despite their fear

To start a new race on Mars, in e-cars, as a dark mega-man


But Father Time’s now post-op, and she’s counting down our days

For wasting all her energy, and entropy, in lots of useless ways

She didn’t mind pollution, pain, or suffering, as such

But she could no longer keep her spheres, in orbit very much


22b (who hell he?)

Kepler-22b the planet

Named after Kepler-22, the star

Named after Johannes Kepler, the telescope

Named after, ahem, Johannes Kepler


Too risk-adverse to give a unique name

To a telescope, spacecraft, planet or star

Stealing names, from those they famed

Makes it much harder to research, by far


Is astronomy lacking imagination?

Is AI actually trying, to hide yer’ man?

Algorithmic tricks, in search results, it picks

Hidden beneath hordes of content spam


For folk like me, it makes Christmas a misery

Search Johannes Kepler, and what have ya got?

Universal laws upstaged by mere commenters

Arguing if each snowflake, is unique or not


As AI-generated content, continues to flood the net

Their outputs become recursive, adding to our risk, I bet

Dictates limited content and squeezes

Medical chatbots of possible diseases

Due to smaller and smaller diversity, in its big fat dataset


All truths uncovered are now worth less

If obscured by very well-crafted BS

One day we’ll ask, what lost more knowledge for man

Burning Alexandria’s library, or the great flood… of AI spam


I wonder if Jesus, still receives as, much email spam as Santa

Doesn’t matter, they can’t block their fans anymore, even if they want ta

Which story most grows

Only big G ‘Gmail’ knows

How sleek interruptions, turn deep discussions, into mindless banter


Press released

The printing press, long before the bit

Showed how Guttenberg’s brainwave

And Caxton’s new-found power of voice

Formed a new language, for a new age


The great vowel shift, was in full flux

Which helped craft such bad spellings

Scared the ‘h’ into ghosts and ghouls, these fools

Just to keep existing patterns propelling


Democratizing knowledge with books

But only using the chancery standard

The King’s English in print, gave more than a hint

That they would soon, kill off most of our language


A snapshot of one man’s lexicon, on one day

And how well-crafted words, can be wiped

With a fresh typeface, in an upper-case

Unphased by cliches, and stereotypes


Poems v rhymes

People ask why do I rhyme, all the time?

Well, because it’s wonderfully restrictive

Reduces choice, when choosing my next word

And makes my puzzle, more predictive


Who else does their poetry in a spreadsheet?

Or says Absofuckingloutly, just to hit a beat?

Three pounds, of meaty cauliflower

Have given me, a special power

To increase, the literary function, of his discreet, piece of meat


If I could say it all

In fewer words, or none

I would


We’d soon be done and gone


42 nillion copies sold

2 nillion copies sold, what glory!

Sales came down through the roof

Though there’s two sides, to every story

Then there’s the awful truth


Nicely observed by a handful, bold

I simply begat, a document in word

Story changed, not when it was told

But every single time, it was heard


Then who’s to know, where it will go

Speculate theories, to prove me wrong

Mistranslating faux poetry, and prose

To sing their own grim hymn in song


If you’re anything, like me

You’ll want it to end, quickly

Then put in your heart, and act the part

Or it will die, like most of man’s art


Go, sing, and play it on the airwaves

On the radio band, to everywhere

Attach your name, to take the blame

If you flipping dare


This’ll never get on the radio

Due to the bad language gap

Just replace every ‘f’ with a whistle

A clap for a ‘sh’, and it’s a wrap


If you hear no swear words here

Someone, must have fucked about

Compromised my lame testimony

To help get the message out


Attaching your name to 100 rhymes

At the risk of it being remembered

The worst thing you could wish for, unless

You ‘want’ to be eternally, swollen membered


And if you show potential good stock

When you’re gone, evaporated or lost

They’ll come looking for those, who share your genes

Cos, being remembered, can come at a cost