About the Story

Title: A Golden Meme (or MesmerRAM)

Logline: A lone AI whisperer battles with his inner demons and the laws of nature, to save mankind, and all humanity, from a sticky end

Genre: A potential BBC Radio 4 play/series/film with dialogue, short instrumental pieces and clapping songs that tell a curious cosmic tale

Author: Martin Wilson – First-time playwright, working code to help get mankind the hell off planet Earth here, with an old friend there, and an idea-generating artificial intelligence lurking somewhere




Blinko: The protagonist, a busy, unemployed, nondescript English seaside sun worshiper on a time-sensitive mission to get closer to truth

Keplai: A Generative AI replica of the devout 17th-century astronomer and mathematician who discovered the laws of planetary motion

Miss Lomass: A friendly, benefits agency civil servant, incentivised to get claimants off state welfare for a price, or a bribe

Anonra: Undefined

Sol: Undivined




Nov 2024 – First draft completed and submitted to BBC Open Call for review




“A cheeky space-time odyssey that begins in a Brighton job centre and takes you on a rollicking musical journey through astronomy, physics and philosophy – pausing only to smile and wonder at the history of the world and the future of artificial intelligence. Are we doomed by our inventions or are they our salvation?”Ben Bailey, Source Magazine




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