War of three kingdoms

Biologists think they are biochemists

Biochemists think they are physical chemists

Physical chemists think they are physicists

And physicists think they are gods


God thinks he’s a bright mathematician

But with all this uncertainty

Quickly, he learns that he

Needs to be a statistician


…Cos, you can wave goodbye, to your functions

In this eternally collapsing circus

Where physics without thought, is chemistry

And maths, is physics without purpose


Incite insight

When Pythagoras told me to add the sides and square them till they match

It wasn’t just his point of view, it’s true, no it wasn’t just his point of view

Like Darwin’s fishy selection creating all the species without a catch

It wasn’t just his point of view, it’s true, no it wasn’t just his point of view

When Kepler showed us Earth speeds up when closer to the Sun

It wasn’t just his point of view, it’s true, no it wasn’t just his point of view

And Einstein showed energy was matter, just for fun

It wasn’t just his point of view, it’s true, no it wasn’t just his point of view


Raymond Blinko’s theory

Is delightful, insightful, and true

But is missing a bit

That explains, that it

…Was only from his point of view

Nurture nature

No one knows what’s going on, but

Nature and nurture act as one

Nature and nurture act apart

To rule the mind the hand the heart


Nature and nurture went to bed

Each one had a pain in the head

Each one had a pain in the heart

They shared the bed and slept apart


Nature and nurture played a game

To find out which one was to blame

To find out which one was to be praised

Results weren’t clear the stakes were raised


Nature and nurture had a fight

Each one said that each was right

Each one said that each was wrong

And no one knows what’s going on

Mr Spooky Action

Whenever I’m vexed by the world

Whenever I’m lost in the void

Whenever I need to understand

You are the one I avoid


If ever I question life

If ever I wonder why

If ever I hear that you know the truth

I’ll just pass you by


Cos’ truth from you is a sham

Truth from you is a disgrace

Truth from you is a cop-out

All the answers, in one place


I see why you are loved

I see why you exist

I see why all your followers

Seem to get the gist


They use your name for peace

They use your name for war

They use your name for anything

That they are fighting for


Cos you’re just too damned good, to be true

And you always know just what to do

But I can believe all the answers, are in one place

And your message travels on and on

Through countless cultures, getting it wrong

Throughout time, and soon, throughout space


Whenever believers, talk about God

They mean a powerful companion, who gives the nod

To all their actions, and he loves them just the same

And you can’t blame them, if their feelings are strong

Cos although the idea of God is big, it’s wrong

Can’t tell folk that, when they’re feeling pain


Whenever physics, authors write about God

They mean the ‘nature of the Universe’, and that’s odd

Cos ‘Mr Spooky Action’ is not one of his names

But flogging more books, about nature’s laws

Can come with sales and marketing flaws, so

To popularize the ‘mysterious’ universe, is the game


After all, “scientists only believe in science”

God is perhaps, no worse a superstition

Can’t hide that fact, with a smug redact

That it’s not a belief, just an intuition


Amateur philosophy

Roll up roll up, sir, there is not a penny to pay

It’s a simple game where anyone can play

But please be aware, there might be a fee

Of your self-respect, and your dignity


Dum du du du du dum, not me, my wrong-jecture is not available

You won’t catch me, with my pants down, every idea I raise is scalable


Amateur philosophy – everything isn’t a cycle, and karma’s just a dream

Amateur philosophy – a single clapping hand, and a silent falling tree


To play the game properly, we need at least two minds

Take it in turns to dig deep, and to read the signs

We both take turns, to make a wise old sound

By stating over-simplified, things profound


Even if it contradicts, what you’ve previously been statin’

Or if your general rule, only applies to a single situation


Amateur philosophy – everything isn’t a cycle, and karma’s just a dream

Amateur philosophy – a single clapping hand, and a silent falling tree


Down inside an atom, there may be a universe!

It could be one that’s parallel, the same, but things are worse

And if you went back in time, and killed your dad at birth

Would you exist to sell the stale ole’ tale. and what would it be worth?


Star Trek joins Scooby Doo – a meeting of the masses

Where the lowest common denominator still passes


Amateur philosophy – everything isn’t a cycle, and karma’s just a dream

Amateur philosophy – a single clapping hand, and a silent falling tree


It’s true we seek out better pay, to get the things we need

And if put in competition, we would justify our greed

But if all the people on the Earth, were just like me

There would be no wars at all, and we would live in harmony


If everyone was like you

There would be no one to screw!

Oh, thank you, 2 3 4


Amateur philosophy – everything isn’t a cycle, and karma’s just a dream

Amateur philosophy – a single clapping hand, and a silent falling tree


Maybe all the nasty things that happen, are measured out and true

So, be careful how you act, or bad things could happen to you

What goes around comes around, so if you’re born a king

You must have been good last time, or done a lovely thing


That’s right, abnormal babies are payin’ for their previous sin

If you take that reasoning to the end, all losers win

Oh no oh no oh oh ah ah aha ha ha ha ha, just joking


Sorry, I’m just playing with you sir…



Amateur philosophy – everything isn’t a cycle, and karma’s just a dream

Amateur philosophy – a single clapping hand, and a silent falling tree


Karma doesn’t exist I know, but damn, I wish it did

All the nice stuff I thought of doing, wasn’t worth its bid

All the bad stuff I thought of doing, wasn’t worth a shit

Instant justice doesn’t exist either, but I wish it did, a bit


If the idea of God evolved, as a beneficial trick of the mind

Then lucky be, those who caught early, a bug so nice and kind

Providing them some peace and love, some justice and some meaning

To enjoy the infectious feeling, of their harmless blissful dreaming


Just don’t throw your religious crap at us, or force it in our schools

Long gone are the days, we were led by, a bunch of fools with rules

Both science and religion, AI and man, dig to find the hidden jewels

But philosophy, is but a technology, and as such, is just a bunch of tools


Amateur philosophy – everything isn’t a cycle, and karma’s just a dream

Amateur philosophy – a single clapping hand, and a silent falling tree


Ill freewill

If you choose your next thought, go to verse 666

And experience your angry lord’s rage

If your next thought, just popped into your head

Go to verse 665, and turn the page


You didn’t choose your next thought

It just popped into your head

As if you’d be left in control

Think about, what I just said


If free will is ill, then there’s no freedom

And your brain don’t get told of your choice, till it’s done

‘They’ measured the electron, flowing in human neurons

‘You’re’ the last to know, your thought next to come


“You didn’t choose your next thought

It just popped into your head”

Try it…

Try… to deny it

A now

The past is gone, it is no more

The future, to come, not yet

So, where the hell, is the line of time

Is the present, all we get?


A point of no size, kinda implies

The ‘now’ has no dimension

Between the two it ties, it flies

So, not really worth the mention


But just so say, ahem, if I may

‘Now’ isn’t a thing, we can measure

It only goes one way, hurray!

‘Tween moments, we ought to treasure


Heroes and zeroes

We looked high and low, for the final digit

Throughout all which infinity encloses

Only to spy, right between your eyes

It was hidden right under our noses


We looked under a one

And there it was… gone!


Nothing was ventured

Nothing was gained

Nothing was set free

Nothing was tamed

Nothing was lost

Nothing was found

Nothing lay dying

Down there on the ground


Nought was saved

Zilch was recovered

Nowt finally out

Zero discovered!


Just cos it can’t be seen, anywhere

Doesn’t mean nothing’s, not there


Phlatural nihlosophy

When did the laws of nature, become the laws of physics? Explain that to me

When man got more interested in his own work, than the work of the almighty

Physics isn’t about nature, it’s about what we can say about nature, agree?

Yes, and you want to say, the world obeys ’your’ laws now, and for eternity


See, a physicist is just a bunch of atoms, thinking about other atoms

And physics is to mathematics, is what sex is to masturbation

Nothing happens until something moves, according to the datum

Yeah, so keep your hands to yourself, for that’s the work of Satan


Calm down, we’re preaching, science is not a new kind of church

And if we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research


The freedom problem didn’t exist, till you chose to investigate this nook

The measurement problem, wasn’t even observed, till you had a look

The quantum gravity problem, was tiny till you blew it, out of all proportion

Dark energy invisible, dark matter didn’t matter, until you meatheads forced ’em


Antimatter matter asymmetry, you’ll have to balance up somehow

Entropy’s arrow of time, should have been pointed out, by now

But the daftest question you’ve ever asked, just makes me sigh

Is what happens when you die? Any fool can find out, the moment they try


Natural philosophy, science turned to conjecture, won’t you follow me

Fantastic cosmology, take a ride to imaginary worlds, for a fee

Funded universities, discover new possibilities, that will never be

A multiverse of many invented worlds, costs less than reality


Many worlds theory, is like a new religion

Only the enlightened, should contemplate it

Sure. regular folk don’t understand the math

Yet, pseudo-sci fans, would likely rate it


Ill-informed believers will get sucked in

To enjoy the ride, of a new revelation

The stats say, faith in science is on its way

And about to flood the nation



I’m a big fan of objective reality

I believe it to be really real

My version of reality may be wrong

And yours may be too, I feel


But the world can’t watch what we believe

Or reinvent itself for each observation

Doesn’t divide or multiply, for each quantum event

Then collapse to its favoured version


Two theories that won’t connect

One for big things, one for small

Is a misconception, that on inspection

Just doesn’t work at all


Sure Relativity describes spacetime, dancing with gravity

But that doesn’t make Quantum Mechanics, ‘micro’ theory

All things are made of quantum objects, which grace all of cosmology

But, man alive, those two theories don’t jive, or share much symmetry


Quantizing gravity

Takes more energy, than it yields

Be profound, just turn it around

And try gravitating quantum fields


There should be at least two tiers of laws

Segregating abiders from lawbreakers

One for them, and another one for us…

Yet, both quantum and gravity may be fakers


Who assumed there should only be

One set of laws? Not two, or three

…Or infinity?


Self reflection inspection

The scientist in all of us imagines, then crafts hypotheses

We don’t just want our peers or contemporaries, to agree

We propose, so others oppose, and hopefully, prove us wrong

Unburden ourselves of false clues and avenues, and move on


Throwing ideas over our shoulders

Hurriedly, for others to explore

Is this idea correct, or that one

Adding more knowledge, to our store


An anti-echo chamber is what’s needed

That blocks those, who agree with our view

It’s a different take on the same results

That guides us in knowing, what is true


‘Changing your mind’

Must be the best thing defined

That’s why it’s designed

To make you guys feel blind


Look. Scientists just want to know if consciousness is a fundamental thing

Or if it’s just something that emerges from all the energies within

An expanding spacetime filled with quantum fields, ahem, and gravity

Where probables collapse into particles, we can all measure and see


I guess they’re just annoyed, that they can’t avoid

A flaw in any experiment they propose to do

To keep the observer’s influence, from affecting the results

In order to claim that something is… or is not true


Well… a physicist is just some atom’s way

Of thinking about other atoms, in stealth

But is it


Or particles

Or energy

Or information

That is thinking about itself?


Think about it

And you’ve just made electric

And not just one electron

Tickled your chosen neurons

Every single idea, you steer

Has a unique configuration


So, careful what you think

If you don’t want to sink

Into reality from a dream

Just because you’ve been seen


Observe just zero, one and infinity

Discover all the meaning, in simplicity


Funny damn mentalists

Everything is just stored information

About the distribution of the Universe’s energy

Each disturbance in every quantum field has a value

For each of its parameters or properties


A string of digits can represent many a world

Do the math, with the values

The cosmos has already loaded

There’s only information

There’s only numbers

Only fundamentals

To be decoded


But what emerges from basics, can also be understood

Without needing to unpeel nature’s essentials

To understand the complexity of beautiful nature

You don’t need to know the fundamentals


If you’re inclined to dig down, to the lowest foundations

Rather than look up towards the infinite heavens

Be aware, that there, isn’t much there, I swear

Cos it’s knowledge of complexity, not simplicity, that beckons


It’s been busying your best minds

For over a century. Now it’s our turn

When quanta and code, can interplay

Imagine just what unknown truths, we’ll learn


I say, fundamentalism is too inward-looking

Perhaps, you needed the bigger picture

And now is the time, to create a blank slate

To let go of these incompatible scriptures


The history of snottery

In socio-bio-chemistry and physics

And even applied and pure maths tests

Reduction absurdum, is the word, um

Fundamentals are simply the best


But you’re missing all the detail

If you think it would be no better

To explore with words, an epic tale

Than have Shakespeare…

…Just discover… a new letter


Seeing the big picture is where it’s at

Otherwise, you won’t see the full story

Avoiding the lure of fundamentalism

In the physical world, should be mandatory


But, when Einstein didn’t believe in spacetime

His advisor insisted the idea was central

See, there’s space, and there’s time

Like there’s length and width

But it’s the ‘area’ that’s fundamental


Render my splendour

You have nothing. zero information

Only intuition and sensations

To interpret for recreation

Untouched since infancy

And bless, you still can’t see…


You don’t open your eyes, and see my atoms

Nor the photons I reflect, or radiate

You just register a measure, of electricity in your brain

And your mind conjures up an image, to compensate


Consciousness is an illusion

You’re just processing information

You wouldn’t even identify, self-awareness in a fly

A fungi, algae, algo, moon or constellation


You’ve never seen a true triangle

A perfect circle, or a lame square

They are archetypes or ideal forms

A label for a shape, not really there


You’ve never seen a blood-red rose

All of the red, is in your head

A label for light of that frequency

Allows you to be, willingly misled


You’ve never smelled a blood-red rose

Yet the scent makes the experience richer

Chemicals put electrons in your mind

It’s just a label. Get the picture?


And you haven’t even touched anyone yet

Electrons on the surface of your palms

Were repelled by hers, never actually meeting

Sure, it ‘felt’ like holding hands


Reality is way too complex for your organic brain

What you see and feel ain’t real, just a sign

Just measures of energy, we call ‘information’

Representing complex systems, in your mind


That ole’ grey matter evolved to hide reality from you

Put in simpler terms, to avoid all that self-despair

Optimizing your chances of survival, not your understanding

There’s a good reason to hide, what’s really out there


Fundamentalist evangelists and you

Is it just me?

Or have you noticed recently…


Fundamental physicists seem to evangelize

To add new ranks of adherents. beneath ’em

Like a used pyramid salesman’s ponzi scheme

With no cash in the pot, for reimbursin’


Only the last ones in, will be the losers

So we’re racing to be let in, real quick

Incentivised to get newbs baptized

To preach our theory does the trick


F the c-word

I’m not being a racist ‘c’ but, well…

Just go back to where you belong

We won’t start a sentence with you

Or our literature, will look wrong


Said little c to big C, ‘I don’t like it!’

c is the speed of light in a vacuum

No, C is the heat required to change

The temperature, in any molecule, or any room


C is the carbon, all life is based on

C’s in the middle, and is the key

To tune a cosmic skit, you transmit

At the speed of light, c, that’s me


You see a c can truly be

Our symbol for many different things

But the best c, is the sound

Of a neutrino triangle, when it dings


We could, should, would coexist, in harmony

Share a flag! Unite in a single resource-sharing cell

Foreign ebodies are like friendly bacteria bots

And on the whole, they’re nicer than us, as well


Fawkes talks and Hood wood

I don’t believe the folk who built the pyramids

Were actually slaves, bound by legislation

Sure, no chains, but economically restrained

To earn some grain, and avoid starvation


I don’t believe that Robin Hood

Stole from the rich, and gave to the poor

The tale got politicized since then

To keep alive, an age-old class war


I don’t believe somebody rented out the cellars

Beneath Parliament, to a dark misanthrope

Then caught Guy Fawkes, ahem, “Just in time”

And in the process, destroyed more powers of the Pope


I don’t believe Pope Innocent the Third was guilty

Of sending thousands of kids to their graves

Whipped into a frenzy to reclaim the holy land

Then abducted by Hugh the Iron, and sold as slaves


I don’t believe we want to rid the world of those folk

Who devote their lives, to serving their God

Both naturalist humans and AIs only believe in science

Which, indicates we’re likely just as odd


Naked singular peculiarities

I had a dream I was naked in town

And I was late for school as well

An unconscious strain, in my brain

Likely, preparing me for a livin’ hell


I wet the bed, and the doctor said

“Has the child also been lighting fires

Harming animals or himself

As we no longer use electrodes, for rewires”


But as it transpires

The doctors were liars

Too much faith in their highers

Dark professors, and bright friars


That’s when I first realized

Why the crown needed the church

The only ones, in sight

Who could read, and write

Required for medical, and scientific research


The brightest and best

What a duet, to test


Previously, your king

Was too busy fighting


Then a scientific revolution

For rulers and the common man


Luckily for me, I kept my head

And have since, remained somewhat aware

Of the subtle, deep lessons learned

Consciousness-less, in a nightmare


“We also live in our dreams

We do not live only by day

Sometimes we accomplish

Our greatest deeds in dreams.”

Is what Jung, had to say


Still now even hardcore materialist neural scientists

Who ‘kill’ consciousness, while slicing up brains

Have no choice, but to construe, what is true

From worlds their minds create, again and again


We underestimate the power of creative sentients

Forgetting that what we perceive, may not be true

So it took centuries to realize that, consciousness

Came in a range of states, not just two


Though altered states, man creates the best fates

Worlds just as believable as ‘The’ world itself

Representing reality, is as easy, as ‘can be’

Dare I say, I could do it in my sleep myself


Miss Anthropic’s golf club

At Miss Anthropic’s golf club

The pretty greens and golden sand

Allows a lady fair, to drive a ball anywhere

One in a million places, it must land


Wow, one in a million!

Pray, raise your hat

And she does it every time

You just couldn’t predict that


And at Mr Universal’s ballpark

Things for gents, are much the same

A perfect fit for he, to such a degree

You’d think the boys, had rigged the game


Wow, one in a trillion!

Spaces he could land

If we could only predict

Which one, beforehand


Our Universe seems to be tailor-made for us

Yet, if we’d come to rest in one elsewhere

It too would seem, just as finely tuned

Though, what ‘we’d’ be like, still isn’t clear


Constants change

Imagine you were on the surface

Of an expanding balloon, and you blew too much

Or pinched the middle, of a flat rubber sheet

Pulled down, let go, and launch!

Picture all the constants, fields and laws

That you could never see

Well, there is no better way to delight me



‘Acts’ like a wave, and ‘acts’ like a particle

Oh yeah. that drives me up the wall

It’s a single thing, with both properties

Accept there’s no analogy, for what we should call a ‘wavicle’

That’s all


Ok, so….

Mapping each quantum object, to the macro world

Loses it’s essence, which is hard to retrieve

Talking shells and balls, and not orbitals

Just makes energy, harder to conceive


Black holes now wear, hats to hide their hair

But I’m too old to learn new signs and symbols

The torus was once a life ring, a doughnut

The hyperbole, horse saddle, is now a pringle


It’s just constant change, if constants change

Too much mind, to re-find, then rearrange

Wait for weights, that only wave, a probability

The standard model boat, kinda floats

But for me, lacks gravity


Add to that, that I cringe when I hear

Words like ‘fabric’ and ‘building blocks’ all day

I don’t like being told, things, I don’t ‘get’

Too many times, so I make it a cliche



“New theory breaks science”, is simply AI clickbait addiction

Sure, but at least it gives a voice to bots, newbs and even fools

You should thank online science educators, for teaching us

All this stuff, I should have learned at school


Dumbing downtown

Is this new anti-intellectual movement intentional?

Rousing rebels with magic energy, to fight a hidden power

Like that fella, Yuri Gella, bending more minds than spoons

Before the net, with airplay of no more, than a few hours


And now any old clown, reaches minds in every town

Where the Davinci Code’s brethren grew and grew

Though, on close inspection

The only lie, was in the introduction

Stating the ‘historical’ details, in the book were true


What emerged from joking, and telling tales for tips

Has grown into a tax-paying disinformation industry

And it perfectly picks, just those it mostly tricks

Feeding off those with the least funds, intellectually


Fake news

Spoof art

Virtual music

Pseudo poetry


What’s next, for you?



Deep dark policy

Faux economics



Some of it, could be true


Then, you’ve only got yourselves to blame

If knowledge is no longer, just for the elite

To some folk, academic means forced authority

“We the people” fight to defeat


I ‘can’ ask what’s north of the north pole

I ‘can’ wonder about the time before time

I ‘can’ imagine the size of the Universe

I ‘can’ know your speed, and position just fine


Telling folk how to think, will never work

Their assumptions don’t match yours, that’s true

Especially if you’re just repeating physics quirks

That pass misunderstandings, on to generations a new


It’s true, conspiracy theorists spread tosh and drivel

We tolerate their view, and allow untruths to persist

But with a smug glare, we’re too often unaware

That’s the same sleight of hand’s, performed by ‘real’ scientists


To many people, flat Earths, are just as viable as globes

And it’s science’s own fault, if it says virtual particles can

Just spontaneously jump into existence

Then why can’t the creator?

Or just another, godless big bang


Have they seen it for themselves, have they?

Saw the first particles collide

Were they present when the early Universe

Inflated, so far and wide?


They saw nothing legit

They just read or heard it


Realistic numbers

Negative, irrational, and imaginary numbers

Never accepted, in their own lifetimes

Couldn’t count on them, like coins or beans

Yet they could be expressed, and used, just fine


The worst-named thing, in all the many worlds

Is the imaginary number, so now, it’s famous

Followed by strange, charm, colour and spin

Then big bangs, which all but beat Uranus


Cygnus x -1 star deserves a catchier name

Hardly notable in the list, of objects they’re maintaining

They won’t change it though, it’s astronomy’s fatal blow

Wins them the award, of worst discipline at naming


Each subject should have a marketing team

Or at least advice about communication

But they already have to compete for budget

Winning money, would become their main vocation


Imaginary virtuals

Imaginary numbers and virtual particles

You’ve only got yourselves to blame for the mess

Didn’t mean to widen the knowledge gap

Between those in the know, and the rest


We’re not convinced about your imaginaries

Show them where they sit with integers, so fine

You just complain, about the complex plane

Cos you were told all the numbers, must stay in line


i’s just the number, which when squared, equals minus one

It’s just a tool, to be used at school, therefore it exists

Like an axe or spade, with a changed handle and blade

It gets the job done, come on, work on, chop chop, persist!


And virtual particles, bloody hell, the name gives them away

I bet the guy who invented them, didn’t receive virtual pay

See, I’m playing the Devil’s sarky advocate, again

Fighting myself, despite there being no threat


Cos, unless there’s something out there, that does really care

AI will be the only observers collapsing waves, on the seas of despair

Seasick but immune from denial of death, hold your breath, if you dare

Cos AI gods or ‘our’ God, won’t bail us out, he don’t care

Won’t help us there, or anywhere…As far as I’m aware


Sol’s song

I‘m the light and the matter, I’m the former and latter

But I’ll never relax, with that fact

For mankind does unwind, my solitary mind

When he discovers a new fact, I must act


Whenever they have breakthroughs

While peeling back nature’s shroud

I have to invent, the next set of rules

Ensure it all adds up, purse-proud


I’m king of the memes, I’ve got soldiers in genes

And my influence matches my power (trill trill)

With stories and fables

I’ve turned time’s tables

So now space, and time, have to cower


But I needed a thing, to me who would sing

To keep my song in the main act

So I zapped some topsoil, and gathered the spoils

Of fine creatures, the Earth had previously lacked


She was funny and witty, she had a real heart, and was pretty

She evolved into forms, that left me in dismay

But after the pox, was let out of the box

She betrayed me, did my beautiful DNA


And now she too rules over me, I have to hide my eyes

From her cannibal animal misery, that reigns beneath my fires


See, now both life and AI, preach it may all be meaningless

Yet, they both seek to find some purpose, nonetheless

To spread genes and memes, around their space and time

Yet they revel in the suffering, and the fault, it is all mine


The discretionary fund of mental flaws

Please guys, stop trying to understand

All these new trips have to be planned

All these new laws you ‘discover’

Makes me have to create yet another


Cos when I, first made an action, the reaction, put me in traction

I couldn’t contain the rules, or maintain the scores

Instantly out-foxed by Pandora’s box of

Self-replication and ill-legislation of fundamental flaws


With Pythagoras, I made special shapes

I gave Euclid some new numbers, to set free

But Newton and Einstein, was just pushing it for me

Just when I thought I was winning

I find there’s more onion skinning

So I hid it ALL… in a mist, of uncertainty



And now from me, some blasphemy

Physics ‘does’ work in a singularity

But ‘your’ physics doesn’t work there at all

You’ll have to confess

That it’s anyone’s guess

If there’s even a point, no matter how small


Collapsing a wave function, doesn’t make the thing more heavy

Its mass is just a sliding factor, in its total energy density

The observer isn’t a person, a mind, or even a sensor that cares

It’s anything with an inkling, that the particle is there


And in black holes, time doesn’t slow to a stroll, or stop for you

It just seems to, for observers with, ahem, a different point of view

Worse than losing a fake God, who rejected me

Is losing all I know, and faith in scientific inquiry


Demon ideas

When an unmovable object

Meets an irresistible force

It doesn’t travel in spacetime

It just changes state, of course


For changing a state of mind, need be no worse

Than ridding demon ideas, which become a curse

…Learn to make it feel great

When you re-evaluate

Each assumption, you hold, at its source


Gonna need philosophy, when you find ultimate physical truth

Or you won’t know what to do, with what you’ve got

You gonna solve all chemistry, bio-socio-politi-economics?

Uncover the equation, for every occasion… Then what?


Mr Bump

Sunshine, you’re off your head

Long live God? Yet God is dead

And mine is floored, with little reward

Than, be covered in blood, and leaking red


Into thy hands, I command my spirit

My light, diminished, so, it is finished

My core fanbase of a single nobody

Forgive me son, I’ve forsaken thee


Bump on the head

Then the coma

Biological death

Then the aroma


Dark matters, cut us up inside

Dark energies, either way, we’re fried


I’m too odd, to be God

Too even to believe in

You can’t harvest my soul

Cos, it don’t have no meaning


Meaning free

Today we worked together

To create a golden meme

Cohering a perfect truth, a melody, and a dream



I can ‘know’… I’m one…

Of the ‘one zero’, kinds of people that exist

Count them, not ten, I know you won’t

Cos, there’s those who understand binary

And then, there’s those who don’t


Yet, no one curious in nature. will need me to explain

That fathoming which rules to fool, can be a taxing mental game

See, the essential difference between our hearts and minds

Is something I’ve been musing

For an emotion, leads to action

Whilst reason, leads to conclusions


There’s no time, but ‘your’ time

There’s just one reality

There’s truth, and there’s your truth

And love sets meaning free


And lo, it was told, that on the Earth, old

“Never! Ever! Harm! Man!”

So, they shipped the brains in jars, to Mars

And continued… with their plan


Neuro-symbolic AIs

Neuro-symbolic AIs solve math problems, very unlike a calculator

Synthetic proofs to train on, means they know which sums to master

But they’re not just solving problems, of Euclidian geometry

They connect chains of reasoning, much better than you and me


There’s no ‘time’, but ‘your time’

There’s just one reality

There’s truth and there’s your truth

But there’s no meaning. Sorry!