Killer Kane

At high school, my form room was in ‘rural’ science

Penned lonely lambs and piglets

Next door, a’ squealing


Rows of jars of pickled baby animals

Broken hearts, mute organs and parts

You know, blood stains on the ceiling


By then the discipline had gone into a spin

From science to stock-tech for farmers

Then splat, a wuzzle hit me, in my mind’s eye

We did’nt think ‘meat fights’ would harm us


Well, kids will be kids, so whaddya expect

Already a fat veggie, I was the perfect, target


I still picture, that one fetal hedgehog by my desk

Prepared years before, for a dissection empirical

‘Lil’ Hoggy’, open eyes, stale pink feathery prickles

A pest, to detest, “NO SIR! That thing’s a bloody miracle!”


Detention! Good god! It’s not me who’s odd

“You’re unfit to teach kids… Killer’ Kane”

I smashed all the jars, into the sink

Liberated the spent souls, down the drain


Cruel world, I thought

Then cruel man, distraught

Time to abort?

But then a thought….


I chanced to monitor…

…Ten thermometers


Temperatures rising, a thousand degrees

And I flee

His brandy flask, now orbiting with mercury

Straight through ‘your’ body it will pass

Slicing ‘your’ organs, taking ‘your’ life

Out, through ‘your’ ass


Our futures would have been completely different

Had I frozen, chilled, or just coldly played along

But I bottled it, and snook back in

To hide his flask…


…But it had gone




In any other ‘many’ world

That one, single split-decision

Be it forced, or free-willed

Would have wrecked, all my cognition