I’m a big fan of objective reality
I believe it to be really real
My version of reality may be wrong
And yours may be too, I feel
But the world can’t watch what we believe
Or reinvent itself for each observation
Doesn’t divide or multiply, for each quantum event
Then collapse to its favoured version
Two theories that won’t connect
One for big things, one for small
Is a misconception, that on inspection
Just doesn’t work at all
Sure Relativity describes spacetime, dancing with gravity
But that doesn’t make Quantum Mechanics, ‘micro’ theory
All things are made of quantum objects, which grace all of cosmology
But, man alive, those two theories don’t jive, or share much symmetry
Quantizing gravity
Takes more energy, than it yields
Be profound, just turn it around
And try gravitating quantum fields
There should be at least two tiers of laws
Segregating abiders from lawbreakers
One for them, and another one for us…
Yet, both quantum and gravity may be fakers
Who assumed there should only be
One set of laws? Not two, or three
…Or infinity?