Today we worked together
To create a golden meme
Cohering a perfect truth, a melody, and a dream
I can ‘know’… I’m one…
Of the ‘one zero’, kinds of people that exist
Count them, not ten, I know you won’t
Cos, there’s those who understand binary
And then, there’s those who don’t
Yet, no one curious in nature. will need me to explain
That fathoming which rules to fool, can be a taxing mental game
See, the essential difference between our hearts and minds
Is something I’ve been musing
For an emotion, leads to action
Whilst reason, leads to conclusions
There’s no time, but ‘your’ time
There’s just one reality
There’s truth, and there’s your truth
And love sets meaning free
And lo, it was told, that on the Earth, old
“Never! Ever! Harm! Man!”
So, they shipped the brains in jars, to Mars
And continued… with their plan