Johannes Kepler was born in December 1571. A premature child who reckoned
The pregnancy lasted 224 days, 9 hours and 53 minutes, to the second
This odd piece of information, comes from Kepler’s own horoscopes, of his family
He was the last true astrologer, and the first true astronomer, that’s as far as we can see
So according to this, he asked his parents
The exact time when the sperm hit the egg
And they knew
So either the source we’re reading isn’t credible
Or he told a fib to support his existing view
Like that story in the good book
When those women saw Christ, after he’d died
The gospel says they told nobody
So how come that observation survived?
They lied
And if you want the exact moment in time
It was conceived mentally on the 8th of March 1618
But submitted to calculation, in an unlucky way
Rejected as false, it was returned to me on the 15th of May
So, adopting a new line of attack
Storming the darkness of my mind, in this endeavour
Data from seventeen years of observations
And the present study, conspired together
At first, I believed I was dreaming
And assuming my conclusion had crept among
My basic premises, meaning it was wrong
But, low. it is absolutely certain, that in all instances
The proportion between the periodic times of any two planets
Is the sesquialterate proportion, of their mean distances