Imaginary numbers and virtual particles
You’ve only got yourselves to blame for the mess
Didn’t mean to widen the knowledge gap
Between those in the know, and the rest
We’re not convinced about your imaginaries
Show them where they sit with integers, so fine
You just complain, about the complex plane
Cos you were told all the numbers, must stay in line
i’s just the number, which when squared, equals minus one
It’s just a tool, to be used at school, therefore it exists
Like an axe or spade, with a changed handle and blade
It gets the job done, come on, work on, chop chop, persist!
And virtual particles, bloody hell, the name gives them away
I bet the guy who invented them, didn’t receive virtual pay
See, I’m playing the Devil’s sarky advocate, again
Fighting myself, despite there being no threat
Cos, unless there’s something out there, that does really care
AI will be the only observers collapsing waves, on the seas of despair
Seasick but immune from denial of death, hold your breath, if you dare
Cos AI gods or ‘our’ God, won’t bail us out, he don’t care
Won’t help us there, or anywhere…As far as I’m aware