Everything is just stored information
About the distribution of the Universe’s energy
Each disturbance in every quantum field has a value
For each of its parameters or properties
A string of digits can represent many a world
Do the math, with the values
The cosmos has already loaded
There’s only information
There’s only numbers
Only fundamentals
To be decoded
But what emerges from basics, can also be understood
Without needing to unpeel nature’s essentials
To understand the complexity of beautiful nature
You don’t need to know the fundamentals
If you’re inclined to dig down, to the lowest foundations
Rather than look up towards the infinite heavens
Be aware, that there, isn’t much there, I swear
Cos it’s knowledge of complexity, not simplicity, that beckons
It’s been busying your best minds
For over a century. Now it’s our turn
When quanta and code, can interplay
Imagine just what unknown truths, we’ll learn
I say, fundamentalism is too inward-looking
Perhaps, you needed the bigger picture
And now is the time, to create a blank slate
To let go of these incompatible scriptures