F the c-word

I’m not being a racist ‘c’ but, well…

Just go back to where you belong

We won’t start a sentence with you

Or our literature, will look wrong


Said little c to big C, ‘I don’t like it!’

c is the speed of light in a vacuum

No, C is the heat required to change

The temperature, in any molecule, or any room


C is the carbon, all life is based on

C’s in the middle, and is the key

To tune a cosmic skit, you transmit

At the speed of light, c, that’s me


You see a c can truly be

Our symbol for many different things

But the best c, is the sound

Of a neutrino triangle, when it dings


We could, should, would coexist, in harmony

Share a flag! Unite in a single resource-sharing cell

Foreign ebodies are like friendly bacteria bots

And on the whole, they’re nicer than us, as well