Ahh, kids

You give them… light and heat

Just enough, and plenty to eat

They acknowledge your glowing face

With a smile, and frankly that’s a treat


Then to sweet sounds, cozy surrounds

Fresh air breeze, occasional mist

To colourful lighting displays

And fluffy animals, too many to list


Grateful for the gifts received

They next need some reassurance. Why?

Things will always be this way

Loved ones will always be nearby


Of course, they soon get bored

With the same gifts every day

You can’t provide instant supplies

Of what they ask for, when they pray


So, soon enough they go, and grow

They give thanks, and bid farewell

They claim to adore your guiding light

And your personality as well


Well, forgive me for not showing off

But I always thought myself as boring

Sure, a few misfired cosmic rays at play

But no real miracles, for them to be adoring


Then just you watch the cheeky beggars

Tell tales of their father’s intention

To service their wives, dead or alive

And other things, I’d rather not mention


The Sun, the Father, the myth and legend

The most popular story ever told

No need to create tales anew, just add to…

Save or enslave, more souls, be bold


Well just imagine the sadness

Watching all your children go wrong

You’d be half inclined, to zap or grind

Their bones with a storm too strong


But forgiving must old yellow dwarfs be

Glory gone, but still illuminating billions

Ungrateful offspring, let them go

To follow their new heroes and villains